Wednesday, July 18, 2012


We are getting ready to scare everyone in sight!

The scripts for the show where written by the all the kids together and they did a very scary work!
While the freaky decoration was made by the kids attending the art lessons!

Matrom Dorothy Sandwich

Hello, good evening, my name is Matrom Dorothy Sandwich and I am going to show you our medical facilities, If you could please follow me this way.
This corridor leads to our medical center so If you have any problems, food poisoning, monsters in your wardrobe or spiders in your shoes you can come here an find me.
Our terminal patients are kept around here, if you follow me through here. Now some of these patients have very sad stories but all of them truly love me as a mother.

Here are Judith and Maria – they are sisters. They are here because they still believe they are 5 and 6 years old. Years ago they were in a tragic car accident with their parents. The girls were the only survivors. They have never gotten over the death of their parents and so they have never grown up. They still have their teddy bear from that day.

This is Mr. Peters, he was a teacher at Campbell college. But years of bad behavior and nasty students drove him insane. He could not take it anymore and one day his mind flipped and he began killing his students. Now he lives in the mad house. See this desk.., it used to belong to little James. Mr. Peters killed him for asking permission to go to the toilet. So you have to be careful!

This is Elena. She was a genius pianist years ago. She became obsessed with perfection in her music. One day during a concert in Vienna, Elena played the wrong key and her mind snapped. Now she spends all her time playing and practicing.

This is Sofia. She is here because many years ago her boyfriend tried to kill her while she was asleep. She survived but she was thirsty for revenge. Some time ago Sofia killed her boyfriend and ended up here. She sleeps most of the time having horrible nightmares, and when she wakes up she sees the face of her old boyfriend in every boy.



Hello, my name is Ale Kauinta Vagge de Boo and I am the warden of the girls section in Campbell college. I hold the keys to every room in the school, I know every corner of this place like the palm of my hand. All the secret passages and hidden rooms. Please follow me.

There is a room upstairs that you should never go into alone. Nobody knows exactly what lives in the room. All anybody knows is that 5 days after leaving people always die. So beware and make sure that you always walk with another person to the room.
This little girl has a shadow that follows her everywhere she goes. She was hiding in her brother’s room to escape from it, but as she left, the shadow killed her. Sometimes she forgets that she is dead.

This little girl was very sick. She was walking to the doctor when she was attacked. During the fight, she was killed. She is searching for the people who killed her.
Come! We need to run on so they cannot catch us!

This is the main staircase to the female section. I take care of everything that happens in the girls rooms. I don’t let them go anywhere, neither to the toilets or go drink water. But if someone disobeys my rules or escapes from their room, I hunt them down and lock them in a dark room with no food or water for a week.

I am very strict and expect to be taken seriously, so be careful, never try to ignore my orders.
You know, the last time someone dared to ignore me look what happened, here are the results.

But please continue, there are a couple surprises waiting for you in the dinning room.

And remember! If you’re good to Ale Kauinta Vagge de Boo! I’ll be good to you!

Lilly the Clown

Hi crazy innocent people! My name is Lilly. My friends call me Lill, but you guys must call me Lilly. HAHAHA. Three years ago, I was in a Russian Circus, but I escaped from there because nobody loved me. Some of my closest friends have betrayed me and I am planning my revenge.
I just wanted everyone to have fun. HAHAHA!
Come follow me.

History lesson – zombie teacher

In 1920 the Irish started fighting for independence from the BRAINS. For over 800 years the Irish were under the control of the BRAINS. Civil war BRAINS out amongst the Irish and those who supported the BRAINS empire. It was a dark and BRAINS war.

Mr. Kappa

Hi, my name is Mr. Kappa and I’ll be your guide from here. I’m going to tell you an Irish story that I’m very interested in and that happened inn this college. I need to ask you to be silent and listen carefully to the story:

One night a boy called Tom was watching TV when he saw some disturbing news. A madman was trying to hide in houses terrifying their residents. Tom has with him a small dog called Max which used to lick Tom’s hand during the night to let him know that Max was with him safe and protected.

That night, everybody was at the town and Tom was alone in the college obsessed with chemist. That night something was strange. Max not only used to lick Tom’s hand. It also barks at any strange noise, and that night Max licked his hand but it didn’t bark.

The next morning he found the dog dead in the bathroom. The blood was dry so it meant that the dog was killed during the night. So.. if it was killed during the night..what was licking Tom’s hand that night...?


Hey. Come, come..Follow me, this way. Welcome to my home. My name is Richard and I used to be a patient at the mad house. I've never been outside this place. I've
never saw any of the other rooms. I'm not allowed to leave this place because they say I've killed people.

This is my room. I love my room. This is my bed.

Don't tell anybody you have seen me or they take me to the mad house again. Sssshhhh! It's a secret...

Now you must go. I'm going to show you a passage. Maybe I'll see you later. You are very nice people. Goodnight.

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